Analysing the results

Gel Electrophoresis and Analyses

Last week we prepared the samples on meat and ended the week off with puting them in the PCR. Today we processed the DNA so we could read what meats are present in the samples we took last week.

To do this we needed to prepare a gel which has DNA staining in it, making it highly toxic! Once the gel was made up and set we put it in the electrophoresis tank which has a buffer in it, allowing a hight voltage of electricity to run through it.

Preparing the gel

We left it for 30 min to process and then went to a small dark space in the WAAG to read the gel under a blue light and an orange filter. We decided to leave it for an hour longer as the ladder didn’t seem ready

Gel Electrophoresis

Our final results didnt come out as clear as we hoped, but its good that something was visible.

Gel Electrophoresis final

Written on March 4, 2019