Incubator update


This week my main mission it to get the incubator finished!

Electronics I began the incubator electronics by testing each output, the fan, the heating pad and temp sensor. I made some silly mistakes - like trying to use my 3 pin temp sensor as a 2 pin, this meant the code wasn’t right, and also had a diode the wrong way, had smoke coming out of the fan and blew a MOSFET. But i managed to complete and get the electronics working.

One important thing i learnt (and its not even complete yet) is that doing Ardunio takes a lot longer and needs time and patience. Lets hope I remember this when it comes to soldering the circuit together later this week.


Building the incubator Using what tools and equipment here, i have to build up the frame rather then work into it. This has meant quite a few trips back and fourth to the wood shop and adjusting the length of bits to make hand made, glued together tjoints. The plastic I ordered for the greenhouse version of the incubator isnt as transparent as i had hoped for, but it will still allow some bit of light in.

So far i have spent about ±€80 on the materials and electronics to make my incubator. I still need to seal it and print 4 corners to help keep it together better as it doesn’t feel very stable…

Written on March 11, 2019